From The Mud Puddle

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

A fairly well known piece of scripture has somewhat been the scripture of our homeschool ..Eagle Nest Academy. I heard it first sometime after our babies died...and it was a reminder then of where my strength comes from and that this situation would not defeat me.

Today at the doctors office, I saw this piece of scripture framed and hanging on the wall of the examining room they had taken Christopher and myself to. My first thought was comfort in a well known verse that had at one time brought comfort, but God's spirit spoke to me to read it slower this time . The word "wait" caught my eye. Here in the past few years, we have been waiting. Waiting for God to work out his will in our lives in many things. Waiting on God, knowing it may be months or years before He brings his will to pass. Waiting on God to take us from where we are now to where we are going. We often hear jokes about being careful in our prayers for patience. I've often thought that patience meant being able to be patient with one another...but this morning I was given some thought about how when we wait on the Lord, we develop a patience with God where we wait in peace knowing He is working out the details. Waiting generally fustrates me, but waiting on the Lord gives me peace because of who HE is...and also gave me patience with Him...trusting His hand was going to take us at the right time where He has planned for us to go and be.

I read further into the verse where it goes on to say that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. There is blessing in the waiting. We are renewed in strength. Perhaps rather than being fustrated in the waiting, I should find thankfulness that God has given this waiting time because that waiting time gives way to being renewed by God. The cares of the world can so bog us down...but we are renewed as we patiently wait on God . It is much how my phone has to be charged up to work properly. The phone has to wait for the battery to charge...and is renewed as it waits. It waits for strength, and is charged, ready to face what it is there for.

Perhaps , God, in his wisdom and mercy gives us these days of waiting where we wonder what God is doing and why it is taking so long for anything to happen because He knows we need to be renewed in our strength. He knows that the hard knocks of life have really hit hard...and so in trusting His provision and timing and realizing our total dependance in all things on Him, we can pick up and then fly, run and walk where He takes us. All of a sudden we realize one day we are one step closer towards His plan and no longer waiting, but flying again .

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