It came to my attention a few minutes ago from my friend Joel that comments could only be made on my blog by team members. That was an unintentional setting mistake. All I can figure is that as I set up email notification in my settings on blogger, I must have also scrolled my mouse wheel that also changed the settings on something else. Sorry about that, if you tried to comment in the past week or so. If the problem continues, please email me to let me know so I can check it again. It should be fixed, but you never know!
4 comment(s):
testing........ 1,2,3..... testing
Joel, at
1:19 AM, November 07, 2006
Yeah! I am glad it works again. Now, what exactly were you wanting to say here ...for surely it was not JUST to test me.... :)
Muddy, at
12:53 PM, November 07, 2006
Livemalls, at
8:53 PM, November 07, 2006
So sorry steve-but am glad Joel gave me a head's up about it so I could fix it.
Muddy, at
12:03 PM, November 08, 2006
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