From The Mud Puddle

Saturday, November 27, 2004

We have heard the phrase, "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"
I have medium length hair. I brush it as we get closer to church. Usually several pieces end up on my shirt. I try to clean them off, but sometimes I do not see all of them until I am in church. A week or so ago, as I was pulling a remaining piece off of my shirt and laying it in the floor, the thought came to me...if I needed to prove I was at church for some reason that night, the proof would be in the DNA I just dropped in the floor in way of hair. (not that I need proofs....just was a thought) Anyway-Just made me think of the above phrase....and I also thought of this verse found in Luke 4:16,
He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath Day, He went into the synagogue, as was His custom, and He stood up to read.
Did you catch that? This verse struck me a bit over a year ago, as I noticed that it said that it was Jesus custom to go to church. Is it mine? Is it yours? Hopefully the answer is always yes. If Jesus kept his custom of going to church, after being "brought up", then shouldnt we? Is there enough DNA evidence laying in the carpet and seats of your church to prove you have a custom of being there?
Oh this isnt to be some legalistic twisting of scripture, where if I dont go to church, Im headed straight to Hell. But as we look to follow Jesus, being his disciples, we also have to look at the things that were important to Him, His customs and habits. What were the things that Jesus prioritized in His life. This verse has the statement that shows one of them, going to the synagogue was a part of what Jesus did regularly. Apparently it was something that impacted the first believers as well. Acts 2:46 states in the first part,
Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts.
Seems a lot of people skip that part as they start talking about the first Christians. They miss the part that they meet in the temple courts in addition to breaking bread in each other's homes. I find this tremendously encouraging.
So on this Saturday night, prepare your heart, mind and soul to go to church tomorrow. Let God use the gift He has given you to encourage and build up your fellow brother and sister in Christ. Join them in praise...because this is your custom too. And if it isnt, then I encourage you to make it your new custom, as you grow deeper as a disciple of Jesus.
God bless!

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