From The Mud Puddle

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Remember Me
Words and Music by Mark Schultz
From the recording: Mark Schultz, Track #11.

Remember Me
In a Bible cracked and faded by the years.
Remember Me
In a sanctuary filled with silent prayer

And age to age
And heart to heart,
Bound by grace and peace.
Child of wonder,
Child of God,
I've remembered you,
Remember Me.

Remember Me
When the color of the sunset fills the sky
Remember Me
When you pray and tears fall from your eyes.

And age to age
And heart to heart,
Bound by grace and peace.
Child of wonder
Child of God,
I've remembered you,
Remember Me

Remember Me
When the children leave their Sunday school with smiles
Remember Me
When they're old enough to teach,
Old enough to preach
Old enough to leave.

And age to age
And heart to heart
Bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder,
Child of God,
I've remembered you,
Remember Me.

Age to age
And heart to heart
Child of wonder
Child of God
Remember Me.

Friday, April 29, 2005

LORD, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power. Who would not fear you, O King of nations? That title belongs to you alone! Among all the wise people of the earth and in all the kingdoms of the world, there is no one like you. Jeremiah 10:6 and 7

Monday, April 25, 2005

My chicken pie is in the oven cooking, so I have a few minutes to sit here and soak in cyberspace -whatever that means.

We survived Bayley's birthday with lots of love and hugs. Cake for us, and Frosty paws for him. He also received a new tinkle ball and some toy rings from us that we found at Wal-Mart. Yes we went a bit overboard, but we also know he is reaching middle age...and well, we just wanted to spoil him a bit more than he already is. That is not a crime, it is puppy love!

My daughter started taking driver's education today. She is taking the class with a group of homeschoolers. She will do all the classroom work this week, and will pick up on the driving part hereafter. There are 32 in her class. She enjoyed it, but also is glad that she doesnt have to do the 7:45 am -2 PM thing daily either right now. I think we were all sort of curious how this would go for her (and us), especially with the carpooling thing thrown in. We didnt know any of the parents before today that we are sharing the rides with. It was a good day for her and us. She learned some new things, and met some new people.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Happy 6th Birthday to our happy, furry fun-loving dog-Bayley! (who also shares his birthday with my oldest sister, Dorothy...Bayley's "aunt" Dorothy? ;)Posted by Hello

Jumping for Snowballs--though it kind of looks like he is walking down the sidewalk! Such talent in one little dog! Posted by Hello

Scratch my belly please! Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005

When we are born, we are given a blank slate of days before us. The only day that becomes marked right away is the actual day of our birth. As time goes along, life marks assorted days with events...our first tooth, our first steps, our first day of school, our last day of school...graduations, anniversaries, birthdays...and deaths.

Today is one such day for me. Today 17 years ago, on a Saturday much like today, my father had a massive heart attack as he was mowing the yard. He died instantly. In an instant he stepped from this side of eternity to the next.
I was 21 years old, and newly married. I was on my way to my parent's house to do laundry, unaware. He had died as I was driving over there, after Jay had left for work. There had not even been time to try to call me or my sibblings.

I pulled around the familiar curve of our street as it led to our house. The sight still is as vivid as that day. It was a cool spring day, much as today was. The sun was shining brightly. There was an ambulance in the driveway and another emergency rescue vehicle. My heart gave a leap. I thought for sure it was something wrong with my mother as she had just had surgery earlier in the week. A long time neighbor met me in the yard and said, "Go in quickly, your mother needs you". As I rushed inside in search of my mother, I found her in the back yard. My father was laying on the ground covered by a white sheet. Shivers and screams went off inside of me. Silent, I stood there for a moment staring at my father, that had just passed. My mother saw me, and came to me...and we both went to her bedroom, away from everything and everyone for a few minutes. We held each other close. It was around 3 PM that afternoon.

Today as the day passed, I remembered silently off and on those first moments alone without my earthly father. I remembered the sights and sounds...and sobs. I remember that first night that no one slept ...though we went through the motions sleeping in the living room together. My mother slept on the couch as she didn't want to sleep in the bed she had shared with my dad alone. I remember about 6 AM asking my mom if we could get up...I was tired of trying to sleep, only sobbing instead. I miss my dad, have ever sense that day. He is one of the heros of my life and was a great provider for our family. While he didnt do everything right, he was right with God through Jesus Christ.

I remember sometime after this day, a day marked in my history forevermore, God giving me the verse in Psalms..68:5 Father to the fatherless, defender of widows--
this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

I realized more than ever that my Heavenly Father was my Father and would care for us. Even though I was married, I had a lot to learn still about life...and God, my Heavenly Father assured me that He would show me the path to take, and the ways to go.

So as I remember my earthly father that is in heaven (holding my three little ones no less, Im sure) ....I give praise to my Heavenly Father that my earthly father is with Him, and that I am adopted by God as His child through Jesus Christ, our Lord, the Father to the fatherless.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Birthday To my husband today! I love you sweetheart.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I need to post something. I am not sure what yet though. I have a few things in drafts that I've worked on and then just didnt publish yet. I have many things on my mind to say-but then I have been distracted by life and they just havent come to be written on the screen.
We started phone book deliveries today in another town near us. These books are only a tiny fraction of what the books we did in Greensboro are. We should be, God willing, done sometime in the next two weeks. This delivery doesnt take nearly as long.
I also have been doing some more model home temp jobs. They have gone well, and has been a way for God to provide some additional funds for needs we have had. They are blessings, though I do miss my kids when Im there. I am ever so sensitive to the time slipping away that we have now that we are in the teenage years with one...and will be with the other in two months.
My husband has a birthday this week, he will be 42. This past saturday was an anniversary of sorts. It was the anniversary of when I met my husband. Twenty years ago saturday...we met. It is interesting to consider my life, and that I have now known my husband for more years than the years I didnt know him.
My sister's oldest child turned 18 today. It is hard to believe he is that old. I remember seeing him right after he was born. He will head to college God willing this fall.
Time...time is passing ever so quietly. I think about the world, and time...and I realize that with every heartbeat...we step closer to the time when Jesus will return for His bride. I look forward to that day with anticipation.