From The Mud Puddle

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I've tried to think about what I wanted to write about here for over a week. It really hasn't seemed like a writers block in the traditional way, more just trying to find some time to set aside to write the things on my mind. When I do have the time, I forget about what I want to type out.

It's the last day of January. I am amazed at how fast this month has gone by. Last month at this time I was still getting over the flu. It was new years eve, and all I could do was achoo. All of that has past thankfully. I really dont want to flip my calendars tomorrow though. I like the pictures for January....snow, skates, sleds, snowmen...log cabin in the snowy woods...afghans like my grandmother made. (yes all that on one picture for January...oh yeah and some snowflakes too). My kitchen calendar has lemons on it. I dont have as much of an attachment to that one...mainly I am attached to this one...back here beside my computer. Next month's picture is nice has hearts and such...but there is always something about the January picture in many calendars. They have one thing that is so rare here on them.....SNOW! Regardless of my thoughts about time marching on-the day will end in a few hours and I will have to flip my calendar (or be out of sorts next month LOL)

Speaking of snow, I hate to say anything, but they are talking like we might see some 'round these parts tomorrow (along with sleet and freezing rain...) I would love to see some. I hope I wake up in time to see it before it changes over. It is cold right now....but I love it. This is one of my most favorite things to see happen...the world covered over with snow. I'll let you know if it happens.

Two weeks ago, while cooking in the kitchen, I had an accident. Let me back up. First of all, no one got hurt...but something...THING died. When we got married 20 years ago...we received a glass pitcher. It was similar to the kool aid glass pitcher (and thus got named such...even though ours was plain clear glass...with no smiley face) I loved to make southern sweet ice tea in it. (raise your hand if you understand that phrase) It was the perfect size. Two weeks ago, I had a pitcher of tea sitting on the counter. We were defrosting chicken to cook. I took a plate from my husband and swung around to put it in the sink. As I did this, I hit the pitcher HARD. The glass handle broke off and just like in a cartoon, tea started pouring out of the hole now in the side of the pitcher where the handle was. I'm serious, the handle broke clean off!!! I was stunned. Quickly I took the pitcher and poured out the rest of the tea. I had to throw away a southern sweet ice tea pitcher. I was very sad. My husband and I had just days before commented about how perfect that pitcher was and how we had not seen any JUST like it anywhere in a long time. I really hope that we do find another...for about the same price this one was (it was around $12 as we saw it right after we married). I did see one on eBay, but since I haven't shopped for one yet...I didn't want to buy there yet. I haven't made tea since. It just doesn't seem right to make it in anything else. I know I'll get past this, but well...sighz.

I guess that is a good start into some writing here again. Oh I saw an interesting saying on a church on the way home tonight. It read basically those who have a family alter will find their family altered.

God bless and take care ..for now..

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Another layout of photos from Thursday's snowfall..

Friday, January 19, 2007

I have some more snow pictures I may share...but before I get to those, I just wanted to honor my parents who were married 50 years ago today. My father has gone ahead of us having passed from this life to heaven...but we still remember the day he and my mother were joined together as one. It is bittersweet, you know? I wouldnt dream my father back to this world for anything....he is in a better place (and has been for almost 19 years)...but I do miss him...his wisdom and humor. My kids only know him through the stories I share with them about my mother and father.
One of my favorite memories in my whole life is the one of the first month anniversary my husband and I shared. We had already decided (after hearing many stories that sometimes your wedding cake (the top) will get dry and eww if you keep it for a year in the freezer until your first year anniversary) to use it for our first month. Being that our first month anniversary conincided with my parent's 30th wedding anniversary, we invited them to share it with us. We went out to eat, and then returned to our apartment with them to share our wedding cake top. The next day it snowed...a lot. Perfect.
So this post is a rememberance as I honor their special day today...thinking of what was, what is.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Outside my door this morning!
It's not much snow-but I loved it just the same:)
So glad we got the Christmas Tree outside before the it could enjoy the snow too.
Our dog, Bayley has always loved the snow.
Here he happily walks through it, though still sleepy.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Car Theft Video

Good video found in my email I wanted to share.

Santa's Flight

...still going through some email...while Christmas is over...this is worth the watch...very cute!

and we wonder at times why our ornaments are in the floor ;)


Pre-school children were asked the following question:

"In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"

Look carefully at the picture.

Do you know the answer?

The only possible answers are "left" or "right.

Think about it

Still don't know?

Okay, I'll tell you.The pre-schoolers all answered "left."

When asked,

"Why do you think the bus is traveling in the left direction?"

they answered:

"Because you can't see the door."


..from my email

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

For a minute or two today...I saw snowflakes splashing on my windshield....while very made me long for a big snow. Is it any surprise that this is a favorite children's story of mine? Is it any surprise that in my adulthood, I named this lovebaby "katy" when I bought her off eBay to match the rest of the slumber babies we already had (that were a part of the set like the yellow one my daughter had when she was a story)...I think not...

Monday, January 08, 2007

A few weeks ago, I posted about our adventures of getting a Christmas tree and how big it was and how hard it was to get it inside and the horror of discovering that our washtub was not big enough for the tree's root ball.

Today was the day for taking the tree outside (if possible) so we could plant it in our yard. We had not planned on doing this today as it was suppose to rain all day. We woke up, however, to sunny skies.

I started by dipping the water out of the tree one tiny water bottle at a time. Somewhere as I neared the bottom, I lost the water bottle. We figured we had enough water out of it anyway, so we proceeded to get the tree out of the house. My husband and son started pushing the tree in the feed trough across the floor. When they got to the threshold of the door, my husband went outside to pull up and over the metal piece while my son continued to push the tree forward. They got it halfway across the threshold and then decided to let the tree fall out the rest of the way, using gravity to their advantage. This also meant that the rest of the muddy water ended up on the front porch. (still not as messy as the year my son and I had the great idea to take the live tree out ourselves without my husband a few years ago LOL) Without much more effort..the tree was down the steps and in the grass. My husband used our handcart (that we use with phone books) to roll the tree to where we wanted to plant it.

My husband began to dig a hole while my son and I tried to dig out the hose to clean the porch. The hose has holes...and after messing with it and applying some duct tape, we decided it was pointless and stupid for us to try to use it (especially as it kept spraying cold water on us....we definitely dont need cold water on us as we are getting over the flu) My son threw it away. My daughter brought container after container of water that I could pour on the porch to at least clean it some with the broom. (at least so we do not track mud/dirt inside as we come and go.) My husband finally got the hole dug, the tree in and we all came back inside.

I am happy it is outside finally. We have said we will never buy one that big again...they all have to be smaller than us...

Some final pictures of the tree as it looked inside decorated before Christmas..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Psalm 27

A psalm of David.
The Lord is my light and my salvation—
so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress,
protecting me from danger,
so why should I tremble?
When evil people come to devour me,
when my enemies and foes attack me,
they will stumble and fall.
Though a mighty army surrounds me,
my heart will not be afraid.
Even if I am attacked,
I will remain confident.

The one thing I ask of the Lord—
the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
delighting in the Lord’s perfections
and meditating in his Temple.
For he will conceal me there when troubles come;
he will hide me in his sanctuary.
He will place me out of reach on a high rock.
Then I will hold my head high
above my enemies who surround me.
At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy,
singing and praising the Lord with music.

Hear me as I pray, O Lord.
Be merciful and answer me!
My heart has heard you say,
“Come and talk with me.”
And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”
Do not turn your back on me.
Do not reject your servant in anger.
You have always been my helper.
Don’t leave me now; don’t abandon me,
O God of my salvation!
Even if my father and mother abandon me,
the Lord will hold me close.

Teach me how to live, O Lord.
Lead me along the right path,
for my enemies are waiting for me.
Do not let me fall into their hands.
For they accuse me of things I’ve never done;
with every breath they threaten me with violence.
Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness
while I am here in the land of the living.

Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Horse Rescue

Lorenzo-The Flying Frenchman

Make a photo iPod cover

Thursday, January 04, 2007

You paid attention during 74% of high school!

68-84% Pretty good, you know that there are libraries and newspapers, and you remember what you've read. You were a child that wasn't left behind!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
Create a Quiz

You Are Dr. Pepper

You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you.
People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do.

Your best soda match: Root Beer

Stay away from: 7 Up
What Kind of Soda Are You?

"I had a little bird, its name was Inza. I opened the window and in flew inza."

We all had this "little bird" during Christmas...

Monday, January 01, 2007

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope". Jeremiah 29:11