From The Mud Puddle

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's been a while since I made no bake cookies. I remember my mom making them after one of us kids brought this sheet home that had the recipe. Tonight I made them from a church cookbook my mother gave me years ago from the church I grew up going to. It's been a while since making them. My husband loves unsure why I haven't made them more often. He will like seeing them on the counter when he gets home in a few hours.
My kids vaguely remember my making them the last time. They enjoyed watching the process tonight...and then eating them. Somehow this progressed to teaching them how to make oatmeal by cooking it (as opposed to just heating water and then adding the instant oatmeal packets). We experimented with adding some spice and some sugar and came up with something 'interesting", yet ok. Bayley seemed to like it. We are going to play with it some more..
All this is a short way of just trying to explain my time with my kids that I treasure and enjoy. What my words cannot ever convey is that feeling between us, the jokes and the love. How something so simple can bring such additional joy is beyond me. Its just in the time-not in the activity. The activity is just the background noise. What matters is the love. And with it all, my husband will also be included in it as we share our adventures with he enjoys a cookie made with our hands and smiles.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

A few more changes to my blog here. Something happened after the last changes and the color bars were off somehow. I didn't really have time to play with it until tonight...and still couldn't get it right. I played with a few other standard blogger templates with no success in finding something I liked. I thought about surfing the web to see if there were any other blogger templates out there I could use, and found this one. Simple and quick, I had a new look, and one that kind of could look like rain dropping into a puddle.. All this could still change if I find something I like better...but for is my new look and style.
Take a look at the links over there~~> I have yet to come up with the "perfect" site that describes me and what I do here...what you get between this blog and what you see over there is an eclectic look of me..and not complete by far.
So thanks for visiting....and yes, you are in the right back to that sporadic blogging you are used to. ;)

Friday, June 24, 2005

From our Heritage to our Legacy
I was thinking about this some today when at the temp job. When we are small, folks that we are related to...Mother's, Father's, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents..all contribute somehow to teaching us about our heritage (if we are fortunate) We learn where we are from, customs of our families, and what it means to be a part of that family. When we have our own younguns, though perhaps not always conscience of it, we strive to leave within our kids a legacy. We go from being the takers of heritage to the givers of a legacy passed down. We go from learning to teaching. We take our children in our hands and guide their ways as we were guided. Some of what we may teach and train our kids may be different than what we ourselves learned as we have grown and time and tradition has changed...but the timeless things such as faith, and where we are from are things that do not change with the ticking clock or the changing of the seasons and passing of the years. What my mother and grandmother put in me, is and has been slowly passed down to my own two and likely, if the Lord tarries, my own two will pass down their heritage to their own kids as well. It's an amazing blessing to be in on. While their faith has to become their own faith...the roots can and will be traced back through my own and through that of their father. They cannot claim my faith as their ticket into where they will spend eternity, no more than I can claim my mother's or grandmother's or father's faith for where I will spend mine...But I can realize the importance of each day spent, each word said, each act done seen and unseen that shoots my arrows(kids) unto the Lord. Praises to the Lord for this.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Not that you'll miss me::grinz:: but I have yet another temp job the next two days. God's provision here lately, and we are thankful for the bit of "extra" from His hand.

Thought a change of font and color might spice things up a bit.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Simple thought-Simple post. Probably not a real popular one at that...but...
Im tired of seeing and hearing Christians curse or use words that are commonly known to be offensive in our culture in their everyday speach. What I speak of is when the use of a curse word is as common in a Christian's vocabulary as "and, the and so". It defiles me, it defiles you and it most certainly causes a Christian to be less salty.
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

Monday, June 20, 2005

My son, Christopher, turned 13 on Saturday, the 18th. I now have two teenage children. Right now they are outside playing basketball with Christopher's new goal he got for his birthday. He said it was a good day.

I could write a bunch of reflections of this time in his life, or about the memories I have of when he was smaller...but for the most part....I'd rather just take time to praise God for what He is doing in my son...and live in the anticipation of the excitement of what God has planned for our son in the coming years.

Happy Birthday Christopher! We love you bunches. :)


Saturday, June 11, 2005

Summer is starting to pick up speed, it has been quite hot and muggy this week. All this includes the traditional summertime thunderstorms.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

For the past 4 and a half years, I've been an AOL community leader(volunteer) of some sorts, first starting as a HOST Guide, then later switching to the New Member area to host message new member boards and teach assorted new member classes. When the new member area closed in February of this year, I became a part of the Parenting area and began hosting a homeschooling chat on AOL. I did my last chat on Monday Night at 10 PM. AOL has decided to do away with the CL program, and as of tonight I turn the light out on this part of my online life. I have mixed feelings about it...some of pride, some of relief, some of sadness...but all in all I am thankful for the opportunity to do what I did there...and couldnt have done it without God's enabling me to do so.