From The Mud Puddle

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's late Saturday night/early in the wee hours of the morning Sunday-depending on how you look at it...and I am playing a little bit of catch up here on my blog. I wanted to get these two posts in before heading to bed. I am back dating them on the date they should have been published....even though in reality..I am , as usual, behind it seems. I hit Wednesday and it seems the rest of the week is a blur at times. Anyway....

Below is "Blue Bear". My husband and I were engaged, summer of 1986. He got a new job that he needed to go away for training for. He was going to be gone a month. He returned each weekend to see me and his parents. (even though it was a good three to four hour drive one way). On the first weekend he returned, he brought me this Gund Bear. I named him Blue Bear because I was so very blue when my husband -to be was away....The name stuck and he is a cuddly reminder of that period of time in our history.

For more TIMHT fun head on over to MSM's Blog !

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Polling The Neighbors? Not Going To Happen

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Cold Pup
on a cold day
We went from Fall to Winter in a matter of days
It sleeted today even for a short time..
Bayley got a haircut Saturday...this is all the hair he has left right now...
He is wrapped in his blanket (which used to be my comforter until he claimed it once upon a time)
Snuggled up, he took his morning nap in my sons room, looking just like this...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I am Muddy and I approve this message!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Well Worn Items Make a House Into a Home

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last week, as I mentioned in this post , we were still recovering from a cold that just would not let go. I still feel a bit sniffly...but we are all much better. Had I posted for TIMHT last week, you would have probably seen this collection of characters as my submission: Mucinex, Benedryl, Excedrine and "The Vicks". The submission would have been the dramatic conclusion to the cliffhanger submitted the week before affectionately known as The Vaporizer!

But now, things are better, I can move on and share a real submission (or you can say, you are getting two for the price of one this week)...
This week's submission to TIMHT is a painting I did in High School art class. We had to all draw and paint the same thing...but each collections looked different since we each had a different perspective from our spots in the room. Also, we had to add background. My teacher suggested making mine look like it was a yard sale. She even added the cute chicken there on the bottom for effect and fun for me. I framed this a few years ago. Part of the actual artwork is folded within the frame as the frame was not big enough to highlight the whole piece. It hangs in my kitchen, fitting very well with the rest of my eclectic decor.

For more TIMHT, head over to MSM's blog to check out what others are sharing this week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Things are going to be dangerously crunchy out there"

Meteorologists Predict Worst Autumn Ever

With Dread I turn to the Chore of Decluttering
Still working on's a slow painful process...made even slower with said cold.

Oh and just so you know....From The Mud Puddle isnt the only thing I've ignored....

Yes, this is a screen shot of my yahoo email box...and below a screen shot of my yahoo spam box.

I know what to do with the spam....but it's going to take me a few days to weed out my regular yahoo box....that is for certain!

I guess you could say that I am a little behind on my blogging here.

Seems it's been a long couple of weeks. As my family and I still try to pull out of the cold that has had it's grip on us the past few weeks, I could have posted something else related (to my cold) for TIMHT, but decided that I might be pushing the envelope to take a picture of my Vicks salve for last week's submission. Perhaps this week though...we'll see if the Vicks and I are still BFF's.

Fall has taken hold of our temperatures and I actually have said the words, "I am cold" in the past couple of days. I love this time of year, watching the leaves change colors and finally feeling cold again after a long hot humid southern summer.

My car's battery died today. We hope at least that is all that is wrong anyhow.

That's my news, what's yours?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Once again I bring my contribution to TIMHT-on Friday no less.
For this week's submission, in an effort to gain internet sympathy from around the globe, I give you one of my more prized posessions-at least it is this week anyhow....
I present...
The vaporizor
Ta Da!

It started with my daughter Hannah last Thursday/Friday-and then boom-Monday the rest of us (husband, son and I) fell to what I am refering to right now as the crud.
My kids laugh at me as I sit in the vaporizor's son sat beside of me last night for a while when he was really stopped up again. I guess all of us being sick all at once does have it's advantage-at least it isnt dragging out for weeks and weeks like some illnesses do.
For more TIMHT fun (and probably more interesting submissions) visit MSM's blog .

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tiny Bibles Play Part In Growth of Children

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Webkinz: The allure grows with collection

L-R: Cookie, Ally, Bella and Nunu sit down for a day of fun and games in the game room

For this week's edition of TIMHT, I am following MSM's lead by sharing some of my valuable artwork. This piece is displayed in my bedroom. It was composed by my son Christopher when he was 3 years old. It is a self portrait. It hangs crooked in the frame. At first it was straight, but over time, it slid. I couldnt decide whether to fix it or leave it since leaving it adds to the innocent nature of the piece. His artwork is done in Crayolas. This is probably one of my most favorite of all the pictures he's done in his life.

For more TIMHT, jump over to MSM's blog and join in all the fun!