On the way home from church, sometimes we'll stop for something to eat at this mall. (The Shops at Southpoint) We dont do it often as generally we just want to get Jay, my husband, home so he can get to bed and to sleep after working all night the night before. This past Sunday, we stopped there for a few minutes ....and saw this. I just happened to have brought my camera that day. What was sort of silly to me, was that these sculptured kids are in shorts, swimsuits etc, as if it was a thunderstorm summer southern day as opposed to a very cold day in the middle of winter. Here they are covered in ice!
Saturday, January 29, 2005
On the way home from church, sometimes we'll stop for something to eat at this mall. (The Shops at Southpoint) We dont do it often as generally we just want to get Jay, my husband, home so he can get to bed and to sleep after working all night the night before. This past Sunday, we stopped there for a few minutes ....and saw this. I just happened to have brought my camera that day. What was sort of silly to me, was that these sculptured kids are in shorts, swimsuits etc, as if it was a thunderstorm summer southern day as opposed to a very cold day in the middle of winter. Here they are covered in ice!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Fun little game...
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I want to introduce to you my daughter Hannah who is 14. She will sign her work "Mud Pie" . I tried to add her as a member, but it didnt work for some reason. Perhaps another day. She writes creatively daily as a part of her schooling. Here is today's journal entry from her. We thought it might be fun to post some of these here for now..perhaps until she has a blog of her own.
January 19, 2005
It snowed today! Maybe we do need to count the days, because then the snow will come more often. We only got a dusting, but as Mommy says, we have over 10 feet of snow in length. I like that idea a lot. And it looks so pretty out there in the yard, especially with our Christmas trees. And Bayley gets to wear his new sweater we bought him yesterday.
And speaking of his sweater, that was fun yesterday. We went to the pet store with Bayley and we bought a harness (we took it back later) and a bright read sweater he actually kind of likes. Then we drove on to walmart with Bayley in tow so we could buy ihim an inexpensive retractable leash. We had bought him a new collar a few days ago as well so I think he is set clothes wise!
Mud Pie
Friday, January 14, 2005
Our kids gave our dog, Bayley a container of dog biscuits for Christmas. I kept looking at them, thinking it would be fun to take them into PSP and play with a scan of it for a bit. So tubed the biscuit, then played making frames and assorted other things with it. Here is the result, with our dog's picture in it. Sad to say I had to crop the kids out of this picture...especially since they were not too crazy to be in a dog biscuit frame (LOL) Bayley is a 5 and a half year old cocker spaniel. We affectionately call him "furball".
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
So decided to give the free ipod thing a try. Here is my referal link-so you can sign up and be like me ;)
There is a certain bittersweetness when we are done...no matter how much we were ready to be done. Everything comes to a sudden halt, our extreamly busy days stop suddenly, and we find ourselves somewhat restless in the tiredness. Its hard to switch gears into what we were doing, and back into what we usually do. We often miss the fun and the books....and the family times working together in the van as we talk, sing and just enjoy one another and the Lord's blessings on the day. Its a sense of accomplishment , yet it is mearly a season of our year. We joke we dont have holidays, but phone book days.
As we pulled away from the warehouse one last time yesterday , there was a since of sadness as well as excitement. Change usually is like that, as is growth. So we look forward, to what today holds-even if only a day of rest as we shift into schooling again in a few days here.
I give God glory for my days and the accomplishments of my days, for He is indeed Holy.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
This is a view backwards of the van. You can see my son back there as we get set to go. This van holds 864 of the big six pound books for this particular area. When we do another town to our East in the spring, the van can hold 3000 books at at time because the books are MUCH smaller. It is certainly an experience using the van, vs using the car (which we do at times, especially for some of the smaller dirt roads) or using the station wagon we no longer have (our first phonebook mobile), that we started out with.
This is my daughter Hannah. She usually rides in the back bagging books. If my husband is driving, then I am back there with her bagging. We get very goofy if we are together back there.
View from the back of the van looking inside. My son appears to be searching for a drink before we take off from the cooler. My daughter is still getting things set on her end.
At the end of the day-Van empty of books, yet full of trash! Always the feeling of a job well done when this is the view we see!
One of the challenges of delivering phone books often is the quality of the map provided. A good map, with most of the roads and a direct path of how to get where you need to be is very valuable in what I do with phone books. Here is what the directory paperwork gave me for the route we did today. This is all I had to go on. This was not enough, especially in an area I am only vaguely familiar with. So I went on mapquest and made my own map as you'll see below. If I have this route again next year...I'll be glad I went through the time and trouble...goodness, today I was glad I went through the time and trouble to look up the 30-40 roads that were actually on this route and chart it out. Otherwise, I would have gotten lost, and became fustrated.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Also on a related note-we took the speakers off this monitor and put them on the small CD player that was pretty banged up. Now my husband has a cd player for the van. His radio had two volumns, off and really loud. That will be nice for him and those drives to and from work.
Still have the other computer troubles-but God willing-it will hang in there a while longer!
Praises to God for the provision.